Covid-19 cases hits 200 in county

The number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Greene County reached 200 as of Thursday morning, Oct. 29, according to Greene County director of public health Becky Wolf.  There have been 34 new cases in the past 14 days, 13 in the past seven days.

The average positivity rate over the past 14 days is 5.8 percent. That rate is lower than any of the surrounding counties.

There are currently 83 active cases and 117 persons have recovered. Forty-four percent had no pre-existing health condition and 35 percent had no Covid symptoms.

Breakdown for age groups for positive cases is as follows:

  • 0-18 years: 12 percent
  • 19-39 years: 34 percent
  • 40-59 years: 33 percent
  • 60-74 years: 17 percent
  • 80 and older: 3 percent

People who have active Covid-19 should remain isolated as recommended by Greene County public health, the Iowa Department of Public Health, and the Centers for Disease Control.

Wearing a mask, especially when in close proximity to others, is crucial for slowing the spread of Covid-19, but masks must be worn correctly to decrease the risk of becoming infected and spreading the virus to others. Common mistakes when wearing masks include

  • Dangling the mask from one ear
  • Wearing the mask below the nose
  • Resting the mask below the chin.

A mask must cover both the nose and mouth to be effective.

There will be a drive-thru flu shot clinic Thursday, Oct. 29, from 5 to 7 pm in the Clinics parking lot at Greene County Medical Center. No appointment is necessary. Patients are asked to wear masks to protect public health staff.

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